Why do I need an Endodontic Evaluation?
If you recently learned that you need endodontic treatment, you also need an examination. This might not be clear, and you might wonder why you need an endodontic evaluation from an endodontist when your dentist has already examined you.
Endodontists are dental specialists who strive to save their patients’ natural teeth whenever possible. They complete two years of advanced training in addition to dental school. Endodontists specialize in root canals, treating traumatic dental injuries, and more.
If there is damage to the tooth, it must be examined to determine whether endodontic treatment is recommended. The Endodontist will test the tooth for pain to cold temperature and percussion. A visual inspection of the tooth and a pulp test will be performed. In many cases, a specialized digital x-ray such as CBCT or 3D x-rays are required to examine the tooth and root structure.
What is Endodontic Root Canal Therapy?
Endodontic Root Canal Therapy or a root canal is usually performed by an Endodontist to save a painful and damaged tooth by inflammation or infection. Inside every tooth, there is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and roots that grow as we age. Once a tooth is fully developed, a tooth can survive without the pulp, living by the tissues that surround it.

The endodontist will review x-rays sent by the dentist or take additional x-rays to evaluate the necessity for a root canal and explain the necessary treatment.
On the day of the root canal procedure, the endodontist will numb the area and stop the sensation of pain. During the process, the tooth’s nerve is removed and the pulp in each canal of the tooth. Each root channel is treated, filled, and sealed with endodontic technologies.
After the root canal procedure is complete, the patient will take some time to heal at home before returning to their dentist for a permanent crown or cap placed over the treated tooth.